5 Basic LinkedIn Profile Tips for Rental Property Managers

Vacation rental managers not utilizing LinkedIn are missing major opportunities to grow their business and connect with professionals. About 500 million and counting. As it relates to rental property managers, they can connect with potential homeowners, real estate agents, local businesses, residents and other vacation property managers on LinkedIn. But what does your profile say or do you even have one? To ensure your profile looks its best – or if you are new user – here are the top LinkedIn profile tips for rental property managers.

Let’s look at the facts and stats, so you can see why it’s worth it:

  • LinkedIn is responsible for over 80% of a business’s social media leads.
  • LinkedIn profiles typically rank on page 1 of search engines (Google, Bing). Potential contacts/customers can search your name and easily find your profile.
  • 77% of LinkedIn users conduct research to learn about people and companies.
  • LinkedIn profiles with photos get 21 times more profile views.
  • Microsoft owns LinkedIn, which could lead to more features, better usability.
  • 44% of Linked users earn more than $75,000 in a year.

The next step is to create an account. Once that’s done, read on to learn what to do after the LinkedIn account has been created. These tips will cover what to include in each section.

linkedin guide vacation rentals


LinkedIn Profile Tips: The Intro Section

Get Ready for a Close Up (Photos)

Recent changes now allow users to include two main profile photos, a large background image and a small profile picture. Rental managers should add a hi-res background photo of the area you manage, and your profile picture should be a close-up and professional-looking. The profile photo does not have to be formal but should represent you as a professional.

Provide Basic, Relevant Info (Headline)

The headline is the copy that appears under your name. It should include your title, company name and location if it does not appear in your company name. Example: John Doe, Owner of Upscale Vacation Rentals, City, State/Country.

Other info in this section: From there select drop-downs and add: your current position, education, country, zip code, locations within a service area, an industry, summary (see next section), media and links.

Bonus: Make sure to include your company’s website to this section, and users may add more than one.

The Summary, Add Contact Info

The summary section inside the intro is one of the most important sections. Not only is it one of the first things a user sees, but it also helps search engines find your profile.

Your personal summary should state qualifications, experience and strongest selling points. Write the summary using SEO best practices, so search engines can find you. Keywords to consider include: vacation rental manager or vacation property manager, your company name, and location. Think about what makes you stand out from other vacation rental managers in the area and include that as well.

linkedin profile tips work experience


Secondary LinkedIn Profile Tips

Share Your Work Experience

Because LinkedIn serves as an online resume available 24/7, the experience section looks much like it would on a resume. This section includes the ability to add: a job title, company, employment dates, location and summary of responsibilities.

Just like a resume, this section should include past experience dating up to 10 years. Remember to keep it short but powerful, and include the most important responsibilities and any goals you achieved. As you enter the company name, a logo should appear. If not, add a logo to enhance visual appearance.

Include Education, Special Courses

Fill out the Education section. Users may enter multiple schools, but most professionals only list their post-secondary education. Fields include school, degree, field of study, grade, activities, time period and description. This section also allows you to add mixed media of photos, presentations, websites and more.

And that’s all you need to create a basic profile on LinkedIn. It’s that easy. Then read about some dos and don’ts on LinkedIn and stay tuned for more.

Learn how to use LinkedIn to increase vacation rental exposure.